This winter seems so far away,
Yet it brings its shovels and false teeth,
Lurking in shadows of false prejudice,
It seems this shady winter’s here to stay.
It brought our leaders down and tossed them out,
It burned our souls and hopes and dreams together,
And I can’t think about the weather
With all these tears and screams and all the doubt.
It killed my friends, it dug the graves of something greater,
It made my skin crawl, and that’s gonna last forever.
It didn’t kill our spirits though, it fed our monster.
And right now „GG!” is all I can muster.
Arhive etichete: death
She smiles at him, quicly batting her eyelashes. She knows stuff, but she doesn’t say a word, and why should she? Life is ok just the way it is, there’s no need in tearing up the balance. Or whatever that is.
Yes, you use old words, my friend. Your smiles are not honest, neither are mine. Time passes us both by, so I have no reason to be in a hurry.
He laughs sometimes, probably thinking he has it all planned. Thoughts of the deceit and thoughts of the lie, they are all inside his petty little brain. He thinks he’s above it all, and this war is over, because he already won it.
I keep saying the same sounds, but they don’t make sense anymore. It is just an old story, retold with synonyms. But who cares about that, when the definition was already drawn? Sounds are just a way to keep sadness away. Lies are pretty.
There is no left, no right, no sound.
All that it’s left is pain to put me in the ground.
Welcome to the club,
We’re all human and in pain,
We have no end and no beginning,
No way to gain
People or money,
We are just drinking.
This is a game,
We play it all the same.
When 27 calls,
I will be there.
Pick up the phone,
God damn it!
It’s chilly on this throne,
And I am almost gone.
I think I’ll quit.
Exterminating angels,
Leaving them without mass,
Without enough gas
For them to breathe through the ages.
This is my weapon,
My truth and my bone,
And as I’m stepping on bodies,
I’m never alone.
I’ll show you the rancid smell of the rain
That’s washing away all the stiffs.
I’ll show the death and the sun and the cliffs
And I’ll show you my gun and my final goodbye,
I’ll let you die
And you won’t know why.
The heavens are hollow,
The hells are so empty.
There’s nothing to swallow,
But my fingers – twenty.
I started with toes,
But nothing it does,
Went up and away on my body because
Besides me, there’s no meat on this earth,
The world has no worth.
I devoured the world in one single bite,
Behind me I left only dusty white
To cover the earth and the waters and skies,
It will cover the world when I’ll close my eyes.
Stars Are Killers
The stars are killers. Whenever they fade out and die, their light dies too and we are left in darkness, only to be consumed by nothingness.
Friday music
Weird music and videos for a beautiful Friday… Enjoy!
MGMT – Electric Feel (omg, that bass line!)
The Killers – Spaceman (awesome video of the awesome Killers when they were not that awesome)
Maroon 5 – One More Night (yeah, sue me!)
Gorillaz – Feel Good Inc. (what else can I say?)
The Cardigans – My Favourite Game (Memory Lane)
Carly Rae Jepsen – Call Me Maybe (childish, but still fun)
The Knife – Heartbeats (the weird official video, not the awesome live version)
Kleerup ft. Lykke Li – Until We Bleed (to be listened to only after 2 am – when everyone knows nothing good happens)
Kings Of Leon – Notion (preparing to get really-really wasted? you’ve found your perfect song)
Ellie Goulding – Anything Could Happen (girls need action, too!)
Skrillex feat. Sirah – Bangarang (don’t wait for the drop)
Nelly Furtado – Big Hoops (Bigger The Better) (it’s bigger and it’s better!!!)
White Lies – Death (summer, oh, how I miss the summer…)
Chris Brown – Don’t Wake Me Up (yes, he beats women, but this song is perfect for a Friday night out)
Rammstein – Engel (no Friday night is perfect without Rammstein)
Rammstein – Sonne (for an awesome Friday, take 2 Rammsteins)
Calvin Harris – Feel So Close (you know why!)
Velvet Revolver – She Builds Quick Machines (how can you not like this?!)
IAMX – Spit It Out (sad and depressing, perfect for 4 am)
Muse – Starlight (this should start your night)
Robyn – Cobrastyle (better than the original)
Angels & Airwaves – Valkyrie Missile (please, reserve this awesome song for your own pleasure, at home, in complete silence. enjoy it.)
Rihanna – You Da One (dance, baby, dance!!!)
No Doubt – Settle Down (because of the ska)
Carne pentru suflet
Cuvintele se macina si se lovesc intre ele,
Fara sa stie unde te doare,
Si cand tacerea se face mai mare,
Pleoapele se-nchid intre ele.
Ca daca n-ar fi, nu s-ar povesti. Sau asa spunea o data o fraza din poveste. Tot ce e in noi e poveste, totul ne indeamna spre ceva, totul ne duce undeva. Daca am gasi o casa pentru sufletul nostru, sa-l pastram neintinat, atunci el, sufletul, ar fi mai bun si mai pur ca niciodata. Lumina noastra ar sta mereu adapostita, iar suflul raului nu ne-ar atinge niciodata. Totul ar fi perfect, si casa sufletului ar fi scaldata in lumini blande.
Dar din pacate, sufletul meu e gol si dezbracat de bine. Din el se rup, incet-incet, bucati si sange, si doare uneori atat de tare. Ar plange, daca ar avea cum, si-ar spune of-ul, daca ar avea cui, ar trage o gura de aer in piept si-ar merge mai departe, dar fara casa, fara putere si fara sprijin, sufletul meu orb, gol si pustiu nu stie decat sa taca.
Oare de cate ori si-a ascuns in el vise si dorinte, placeri, de cate ori a plans cand i s-a spus o vorba rea, de cate ori s-a sfaramat cand cineva nu l-a vazut asa cum e? E peticit, saracul, mai singur decat cersetorii din intersectie, si parca vrea sa isi ascunda goliciunea, sa nu-l mai rada prostii. Sufletul meu aduna ramurele si frunze, se imbraca in flori si pene, si strange langa el toata natura frumoasa. Carne pentru el nu se mai gaseste – au framantat-o oamenii, pana cand n-a mai fost buna de nimic. Dar azi sufletul meu a promis ca-si ia straie noi.