
She smiles at him, quicly batting her eyelashes. She knows stuff, but she doesn’t say a word, and why should she? Life is ok just the way it is, there’s no need in tearing up the balance. Or whatever that is.

Yes, you use old words, my friend. Your smiles are not honest, neither are mine. Time passes us both by, so I have no reason to be in a hurry.

He laughs sometimes, probably thinking he has it all planned. Thoughts of the deceit and thoughts of the lie, they are all inside his petty little brain. He thinks he’s above it all, and this war is over, because he already won it.

I keep saying the same sounds, but they don’t make sense anymore. It is just an old story, retold with synonyms. But who cares about that, when the definition was already drawn? Sounds are just a way to keep sadness away. Lies are pretty.

There is no left, no right, no sound.
All that it’s left is pain to put me in the ground.



Everybody cheats. I do it with you. You do it with me. She does it in school. He does it at his job. Who cares in which way we cheat? We always do!

Wether it’s a smile, or a formula, or the change at the supermarket, we always cheat.
You always say you’re righteous, but you’re not. Sooner or later, the scum in you will find a way.

And when it does, be ready. Cause you’ll find it’s easier to cheat and lie than to resist it. You’ll find you’re weak and worthless, just like everyone else.

So don’t take pride in your inability to find reasons to cheat. For now.
Sooner, rather than later, you’ll find out just how big of a lie you are.



Vești bune astăzi! B’ESTFEST e festivalul meu de suflet, se pare. După ce în alți ani mi-a adus o grămadă de lume bună (Manson, The Killers, White Lies, Patrice – ăștia fiind doar ce am văzut eu), anul ăsta au anunțat niște Moonspell (atenția mea era deja îndreptată spre ei) și azi (27 februarie, e de ținut minte!) au anunțat că vine și Pulp.
Ce-i drept, urmărind presa de-afară, am văzut că dădeau semne să vină în zona balcanică și fierbinte pe unde ne preumblăm oasele, dar am zis că nu vreau să mă entuziasmez degeaba.
Pînă la urmă, vin și la noi, așa că în mintea mea am decretat Săptămâna Pulp și în fiecare zi voi pune aici o piesă de-a lor care-mi place mie mult de tot.
Să-nceapă Săptămâna Pulp!




