
there are invisible threads from me to you,
connecting atoms, feelings, breaths of air.
there are invisible needs, or maybe wants from me to you,
and i don’t know how or when or if they’ll find their way back,
but it’s ok, because behind of all that threading, needing, and wanting
there is invisible scarring
just waiting to heal.


Stii cumva cate cuvinte ai luat inapoi, pe tacute, neinteles de linistea din jurul, obosit de furia din tine?

Nici eu nu stiu, si e ca si cum as da drumul unui robinet de amintiri tarzii. Sunt momentele alea in care iti doresti alte drumuri, sa fii singur sau alaturi de altcineva, momentele alea in care ce traiesti acum e infricosator, enervant, momentele alea in care nu rezisti sa nu spui cuvinte care dor.

N-am stiut niciodata cum sa fiu aproape de cineva si sa nu fiu exploziva. De obicei, cand ma cunosti, ai senzatia ca sunt cea mai aroganta fiinta de pe planeta. Bineinteles, nu ma absolv de vina, doar ca la cateva secunde dupa aceea realizezi ca sunt timida si sfioasa, si ca mi-e tot timpul grija ca poate ranesc pe cineva, sau deranjez, sau inoportunez.

introvert-drawingNu prea stiu eu cum sa ma comport in public, si oricum sunt introvertita, asa ca ce rost are sa mai invat la varsta asta?

Si timpul trece, si eu devin relaxata langa tine, si incepi sa vezi ca fac urat la nervi. Adica ma enervezi si te las in drum, sau imi stric ceasul, ca sa nu-ti stric mutra aia enervanta. Arunc cu telefonul pe scari, sau rup toate frunzele dintr-un copac.

Nu stiu sa fiu egala, si oricum mi-e tot timpul grija ca nu sunt mai sus ca tine. E un defect – cand ai fost jos toata viata ta, o sa vrei mereu sa fii mai sus ca ceilalti. Sa ai jobul cel mai misto, iubitul cel mai bun, pantofii cei mai multi. Si e o intreaga competitie intre mine, cea care sunt, si eu, cea care as vrea sa fiu. Si obosesc, pentru ca nu reusesc sa bifez toate lucrurile pe care le-as vrea.

Si cel mai tare ma enervez pe mine, si nu stiu daca ma enervez pentru ca vreau prea multe sau prea putine, sau pentru ca nu am rabdare, sau pentru ca nu sunt organizata.

Oh, doamne, sunt atat de plina de minusuri, si cand ma gandesc ca doar ele ma ajuta sa devin mai buna!…


Review: Maroon 5 – V

The previous Maroon 5 effort was kind of a let down, since Overexposed didn’t manage to acquire the silent slickness of Hands All Over, so I was hoping for a change of heart (and beat too) from V.

I’ve been in love with the band (and Adam too, why the heck not?) for so long, 10 long years of love, hope, trust, mistrust, happiness and heartbreak, it was only fair that, 10 years after the first meeting, I should be hopeful about V (which is pronounced „five” y’all, my favorite number).

I wanted so much to like the album, so I’ve been listening for a few days now, on a continuous, happy loop, and I managed to find some forever favorites.

Maps is not a powerful first single, I really thought they could have done it better, but hey! You get what you get or deserve or whatever, the song starts out weak and I remember not liking it at first, but now it’s quite catchy, even though it’s not a brilliant song. I guess Adam’s falsetto can be annoying and cute at the same time. (7.5/10)

I am under the impression that Animals should be the sexy song of the album – after all, preaches primal, sexy sex, so yeah. I guess that’s what they’re going for, even though the beat is predictable, the bass is sometimes boring, and Adam sounds bored too. It’s not a bad song, but not a great one, and I’m starting to sense a pattern here… (8/10)

Oh, Adam, It Was Always You! 80s’ sound?! Check! Adam’s falsetto? Check? Synths? Check! The song is the peak of the album so far, almost as if the slow start of Maps and Animals were building to this great 80s’ electronica piece. Just lovely! And I wanna see this more often, Adam! It suits you. (9/10)

And because Maroon 5 are really good at declaring stuff, romantic stuff, of course, Unkiss Me is that once in a lifetime declarative ballad. It’s perfectly mushy, with a barely there bass, with incredibly romantic lyrics and a sincere Adam on the lead vocals that makes my heart melt. You can almost hear the heart break… (10/10)

And because food is always a metaphor for sex – for Maroon 5, at least (remember Kiwi?), we have Sugar. Food and sex. Raw emotion, 80s’ sound, a white, sexier Prince. Awesome beat and sexy lyrics, and I can almost feel Adam kissing me. Ok, not kissing me per se, but still… (9/10)

Then Leaving California happens and I’m like „dude, WTF?!”. I’m not really sure what’s with this song, except that it’s a very dull filler. (6/10)

In Your Pocket. Ugh. I can’t even. Yeah, it’s dancey and stuff, but. Ugh. Jealousy and stuff. (4/10)

New Love must be my favorite song off of the album. It’s danceable as fuck, Adam abuses his notorious falsetto, also he makes quite the declaration of love, the 80s’ are uber strong with this one, and the lyrics are fun, enjoyable and sincere. (10/10)

And then there’s Coming Back for You. Is this Tears for Fears or something that the 80s’ rejected with vicious hate or what the actual fuck happened here? (6/10)

Feelings makes me want to go to the gym and perform the choreography from Physical. But that’s only until the chorus starts, because that’s when weird stuff starts happening and I wanna go out of here. (7/10)

My Heart is Open. Oh, the epitome of boring. Sorry, Ms. Stefani, your contribution on this song is awful, your voice is so masculine next to Adam’s, and… Oh, dear God, no. (5/10)

If you have the chance to listen to the Deluxe edition of the album, then you have three more songs that are actually quite interesting.

Shoot Love is not so great, but a whole lot better that My Heart is Open. The beat is catchy, I could move on this one if only it were more remarcable. I also find it really good for speeding on the highway. (7/10)

Sex and Candy, because sex and food. We already covered that part. But Adam wants a new approach. This song is a bit slicker, a bit dirtier, a bit subtle, but still ever so sexy, ever so 80s and awesome. The bass line makes me want to buy a strip pole and dance, but who cares, right? Mom, please don’t read this! (8.5/10)

Lost Stars the last song from the Deluxe edition and everyone who saw Begin Again (not me, unfortunately) knows it. I like the dreamy sound of it, the hopeful sound of it. It sends me so much love, I want to be in love. I almost forgot that Adam can bring me so much love in just one song… (9/10)

Adam Levine, People’s Sexiest Man Alive

Everyone’s problem these days seems to be the Sexiest Man Alive chosen by People magazine. It seems that Adam Levine, massive d-bag with sexy abs, is not worthy of the title because of… Well, his douche-bagginess.

Apparently, his abs (and tats, for those into that kind of stuff) are not enough for the title of the Sexiest Man Alive. Oh well, when magazines like People, GQ or FHM start ranking people based on their behavior and their douche-bagginess (or lack of that), then I’ll argue that the person chosen to represent a generation of sexy is not worth that title.

In the meantime, we are left sighing at the abs of Hugh Jackman and Ryan Gossling and we are left dreaming of the ample bust of Scarlett Johansson and the sexy beach body of JT’s wife (can’t seem to remember her name, though).

People do not rank sexy people based on their humane qualities. People do not choose the sexiest person alive based on the money they donate or the amount of children with cancer they help. People do not take into account the fact that some of these celebrities are cheaters and frauds, so why do you have to be sooooooo judgmental?

Adam Levine and his abs were asking for this title for so long, it’s only right to give them what’s already theirs.


Feelings are important, or so I am told. People care about things and about people and sometimes they are just like little impatient kids, waiting for good things to happen.

I know I couldn’t be more vague than that, but believe me, vague is my middle name (kinda; actually it is Mihaela), so bare with me.

Promises come to me in different forms. They sometimes look like happiness and flowers and trust, and sometimes they look just like sadness, tears and rain. Promises can’t keep you warm, but the hope that they’ll become reality might. They can’t feed you or heal your broken heart, but they can shine a different light on things you thought to be irremediably lost.

Promises are both the best and the worst things to happen when everything goes south.

Today’s mood:

Tonight before you fall asleep
I run my thumb across your cheek
Cry ‘cause i’m here to wipe your eyes
I know I made you feel this pain
You gotta breathe, we’ll be okay
Cry ‘cause i’m here to wipe your eyes

Please don’t lose your faith;
Don’t worry ‘cuz I’m here to keep you safe
I promise if you let me see your face
That I won’t let you down, I won’t let you down

Friday music

Weird music and videos for a beautiful Friday… Enjoy!

MGMT – Electric Feel (omg, that bass line!)

The Killers – Spaceman (awesome video of the awesome Killers when they were not that awesome)

Maroon 5 – One More Night (yeah, sue me!)

Gorillaz – Feel Good Inc. (what else can I say?)

The Cardigans – My Favourite Game (Memory Lane)

Carly Rae Jepsen – Call Me Maybe (childish, but still fun)

The Knife – Heartbeats (the weird official video, not the awesome live version)

Kleerup ft. Lykke Li – Until We Bleed (to be listened to only after 2 am – when everyone knows nothing good happens)

Kings Of Leon – Notion (preparing to get really-really wasted? you’ve found your perfect song)

Ellie Goulding – Anything Could Happen (girls need action, too!)

Skrillex feat. Sirah – Bangarang (don’t wait for the drop)

Nelly Furtado – Big Hoops (Bigger The Better) (it’s bigger and it’s better!!!)

White Lies – Death (summer, oh, how I miss the summer…)

Chris Brown – Don’t Wake Me Up (yes, he beats women, but this song is perfect for a Friday night out)

Rammstein – Engel (no Friday night is perfect without Rammstein)

Rammstein – Sonne (for an awesome Friday, take 2 Rammsteins)

Calvin Harris – Feel So Close (you know why!)

Velvet Revolver – She Builds Quick Machines (how can you not like this?!)

IAMX – Spit It Out (sad and depressing, perfect for 4 am)

Muse – Starlight (this should start your night)

Robyn – Cobrastyle (better than the original)

Angels & Airwaves – Valkyrie Missile (please, reserve this awesome song for your own pleasure, at home, in complete silence. enjoy it.)

Rihanna – You Da One (dance, baby, dance!!!)

No Doubt – Settle Down (because of the ska)

Review: The Killers – Runaways

Am tot incercat sa scriu un review pentru albumul lunii iunie, care ar fi trebuit sa fie Maroon 5 – Overexposed. Somehow, n-am reusit sa ma adun sa scriu cuvinte despre el. L-am ascultat, mi-a placut, dar nu am putut vorbi despre el.

The Killers au lansat o piesa noua, alta decat traditionalul cantecel de Craciun, o piesa care va fi pe urmatorul album.

Piesa „Runaways„, ce va fi inclusa si pe „Battle Born” (fraza apare pe steagul statului Nevada) nu e noua, nu e inedita, nu e wow. E doar Brandon Flowers, plain and simple. O fi fost vreo piesa ce n-a mai avut loc pe „Flamingo” (albumul sau solo lansat in 2010), pentru ca mi se pare acelasi sunet usor ratacit si confuz, de copil care nu stie incotro s-o apuce.

Povestea e clasica. Am vazut-o si in „When You Were Young”, si in „A Dustland Fairytale”, poate chiar si in „This Is Your Life” sau in „Jilted Lovers & Broken Hearts”.

Chitara imi aduce aminte de „Crossfire”. Bass-ul de piesele vechi de la The Killers. Imi place ca-mi da senzatia de hotarare, „all is settled”, „I know what I want now”.

Pe scurt, nu e nimic out of the ordinary de la Mr. Flowers & The Killers. Pe de alta parte, nici nu-mi doream. Mi-e dor de povesti despre Las Vegas, sins & sinners, oameni pentru care dumnezeu e aproape dupa o gura de alcool, mi-e dor de povestile lor care miros a iarba si tigara si a trailer park or smth.

Nimic nou, dar totusi perfect personal. Imi aduc aminte de 2009. 1 iulie 2009. Ploaie si The Killers.

PS: haven’t seen the video. Yet.