Muse – Madness

Review neasteptat (din lipsa de rabdare si din prea mult entuziasm). Madness are o zi pe YouTube. A fost pe repeat toata ziua. Comentarii pe marginea articolului de pe Wikipedia:

According to NME, „Madness” draws influences from Queen’s „I Want to Break Free”, George Michael’s „Faith” and some instrumental elements of his other hit I Want Your Sex.

During a preview on French site Jeuxactu, the song was said to resemble Depeche Mode and describes it as ‘calm, languid and sweet’. It is also said to heavily resemble the track „Undisclosed Desires” from the band’s previous album, The Resistance.

Can’t really see the resemblance, doar o tenta de Angels and Airwaves in aer, sunetul distant rock pe care-l au ei de fiecare data, sunet care vine cu goose bumps la pachet, si vocea lui Bellamy, la fel de sigura pe ea ca intotdeauna, indepartata si rece, si totusi calda si sfioasa.

Matthew Bellamy stated that the song started as a personal reflection after a fight with his girlfriend; and how after she had gone to her mothers house he began to realise „yeah, she was right, wasn’t she?”.

By now, he should’ve known that she’s always right. 🙂

In a separate interview, Bellamy stated the song was the band’s attempt to strip down the sound of the album, and that the song has its roots in 12 bar blues with gospel, soul and R&B influences. He went on to conclude that, „It’s the song I’m probably most proud of on the album for sure.”

Iar in ciuda fanilor pe care ii vor pierde cu acest album, ma bucura sa-l vad atat de mandru de ceea ce a facut. Pentru ca tot timpul vede alta cale, si chiar daca nu e apreciata de ortodocsi, ii vine ca o manusa.

N-am avut rabdare sa ma uit la clip. Am vazut ca e mostly un amestec de imagini haotice si mi se pare ca seamana la culori foarte mult cu „Time Is Running Out”.

Ca sunet, Muse s-a indepartat de ce faceau pana acum. Au imbratisat dubstepul si-l folosesc peste tot. Sound-ul e clear de alte sunete, iar repetitia lor poate deveni obositoare pentru fanii obisnuiti cu stadium anthems pline de energie livrate de Muse pana in 2009. Bine, dupa „The Resistance” am observat un curent intre fanii vechi, care si-ar fi dorit ca trupa sa aprofundeze directia aia mai mult. Pe mine, albumul din 2009 m-a lasat un pic indecisa, eu nefiind fana a muzicii fara cuvinte (intre timp, lucrurile s-au mai schimbat, dar nu de tot).

Mi-a placut cum a descris Matthew Bellamy albumul – „christian gangsta rap jazz odyssey, with some ambient rebellious dubstep and face melting metal flamenco cowboy psychedelia.” si am incredere in his mixing capabilities, asa ca abia astept sa vad cum suna.

„Madness” pare statica. Ar fi putut fi promovata si fara album. E o piesa care se descurca bine si singura si sunt sigura ca va reusi sa prezinte albumul exact asa cum e. E o piesa cu personalitate. In prima faza, pare usor inchisa, datorita ritmului cadentat si fix, fara prea multe inflorituri. Sunetele sunt putine, ritmul nu e elaborat, instrumentele ies in fata unul cate unul si ocupa bune bucati din piesa. Cel mai mult mi-a placut declaratia Rolling Stone:

Rolling Stone stated that the single sees Muse „swap bombastic bass brutality with wubby subtleties as Matthew Bellamy croons over a surprisingly gentle pop track.”

Desi n-as descrie bass-ul ca fiind brutal, the wubby subtleties sunt un pic mai mult de atat si piesa evolueaza si creste incet, dar sigur catre momentul cheie de la minutul 3:30, unde se intampla minuni:

And now I have finally seen the end
(Finally seen the end)
And I’m not expecting you to care
(Expecting you to care)
But I have finally seen the light
(Finally seen the light)
I have finally realized
I need to love
I need to love

Come to me,
Just in a dream
Come on and rescue me.
Yes I know, I can be wrong
Maybe I’m too headstrong
Our love is

Spre asta creste toata piesa si merita sa asculti 3 minute si jumatate de dubstep-wannabe, pentru a simti energia asta. Goose bumps moment.