
handsAin’t it funny when songs and movies and basically anything and everything makes sense all of a sudden?

I used to think my life was reserved for a bleak practical non-existence, therefor I must admit I am quite astonished and thrilled by the greatness it has right now.

Everything in this life is tastier than ever before, all of my experiences are worth mentioning and each and everyday is a blessing. Not a blessing in disguise, but a true moment to be savored permanently.

I’ve come to calm and peace and quiet. I’ve come to mornings of smile and nights of mingled limbs. I’ve come to passion and silence and I feel like I finally found my everything.

Maybe I did. I really hope I did. Because I could not bear the thought that everything that you are is not truly my everything.


Zi frumoasa

Aseara m-am culcat foarte devreme, spre deosebire de ultimele saptamani haotice. Am reusit sa dorm pana cand am vrut, drept dovada m-am trezit inaintea alarmei cu vreo 20 de minute. M-am intins bine-bine, am facut un dus cald si bun si lung (ma cam saturasem de cele scurte, in care n-apucam sa ma relaxez). Mi-am vazut si serialele, m-am pregatit de serviciu, am avut timp sa imi cumpar si un suc, fara sa intarzii prea mult. Afara e destul de cald, chiar daca gradele sunt tot cu minus. Asa, in sinea mea, parca simt ca o sa vina primavara curand.
La serviciu, totul e ok – pana acum. Deseara as fi avut plan de shopping si mancat in oras, si cred ca o sa purced pana la urma si in directia aceea.
Am participat la un concurs, mai mult fara sa vreau. L-am si castigat – 2 bilete la „My Week With Marilyn” de la Anne-Marie. Chiar m-am bucurat – my lucky strike la concursuri nu si-a mai facuta simtita prezenta de foarte mult timp. Filmul il asteptam din vara, e pe lista mea de „to watch”, asa ca abia astept sa-l vad. Sa vedem si cu cine…
Am castigat si o cafea la un pariu, doar asa pentru ca am tendinta sa tin minte o gramada de lucruri absurde.
Abia astept vara!
