Words have a different meaning now,
Since I changed latitudes and longitudes.
Things I used to read a different way,
Now they all sound like home,
And they taste like happy to me.
It was long before I got here, and maybe it took me some time,
But now I’m here.
And here we are, both in the same space, time and universe,
Enjoying the words that connect all that we were,
We are
And we will be.
It’s like saints and sinners in the same purgatory,
Except that this purgatory is filled with happiness and smiles,
And we’re all so grateful to be here together.
We all have hope in us, for us,
For the whole wide world that’s been so treacherous.
And at the end of the day, we’re in all this together,
And we’re on the same page of the same story,
On the same side of the history.
I’m part of you, you’re part of me.
There’s no place where I want to be.