Inca una despre vise

You are what you dream of. Asta ar trebui sa intelegem cu totii, macar din cand. As vrea sa ne setam teluri mai inalte, si sa respiram cu drag cand privim inainte, pentru ca stim ca nimic nu ne infrange. Orice ar zice lumea, tot ce e in tine te ajuta sa mergi mai departe. Tot ce gandesti e un vis si o cale trasata, de la bun inceput. Esti tu, cu bune si rele, cu drumuri usoare si obstacole grele si nici zambetele ironice, nici ridicarile de umeri nu te pot opri.
Chiar si cand nu ne sustine nimeni, cand doar picioarele noastre ne mai tin acolo sus, trebuie sa avem incredere sa visam in continuare. Orice greseala e o treapta in plus in viata noastra si orice succes e o medalie. Esecul nu-i infrange decat pe cei slabi, care nu viseaza niciodata. Don’t give up!

Imi iau libertatea de a sublinia ce e mai important (cititi „a boldui”):

It’s six o clock and I’m wide awake and dreaming
I’m thinking back to a time before our separate lives
A time where I could make you mine oooh
I made a promise I was never gonna hurt you
I wrote a letter and divided all the words in two
Half for me and half for you oooh

Now I’m sending out a searchlight along latitudes and satellites

Don’t give up don’t give up don’t give up on our love story when you can’t
Go on
Don’t give up don’t give up always dark before the morning when you can’t
Go on
You be a brave heart I’ll be a lion’s roar
And love surrenders to win the war
In the silence I hear every word you’re thinking
Like the shimmer of a far away and distant star
Guess love could never travel that far no
And I can’t believe it’s come to this
All our secret codes and battleships

Don’t give up don’t give up don’t give up on our love story when you can’t
Go on
Don’t give up don’t give up always dark before the morning when you can’t
Go on
You be a brave heart I’ll be a lion’s roar
And love surrenders to win the war

And I wanna run away from this but I never leave a sinking ship no
Without you in it there’s no point to our story oooh

And I can’t believe it’s come to this
All our secret codes and battleships no
Without you in it there’s no point to our story oooh

Don’t ever let me go no no no
Don’t ever let me go
Don’t ever let me go
Don’t ever let me go

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