Ellie Goulding – My Blood

What I feel listening to „My Blood” by Ellie Goulding…

*air in*

That feeling that doesn’t go away just did – heavy
And I walked a thousand miles to prove it – tired and alone
And I’m caught in the crossfire of my own thoughts – I never know what to do
The color of my blood is all I see on the rocks – death
As you sail from me – silence

Alarms will ring for eternity – destruction
The waves will break every chain on me – I feel like I’m ripped apart
My bones will bleach – time passes, and I am still dead
My flesh will flee – I am evanescent
So help my lifeless frame to breathe – breathing is hard

And God knows I’m not dying but I bleed now – God cannot save me now
And God knows it’s the only way to heal now – God won’t save me now
With all the blood I lost with you – I am lifeless and torn apart
It drowns the love I thought I knew – but even if I’m all drained, this helps me heal myself

The lost dreams are buried in my sleep for him – I can only see you in my dreams
And this was the ecstasy of a love forgotten – love was, maybe, just an illusion
And I’m thrown in the gunfire of empty bullets – I was defenseless and alone
And my blood is all I see – I see myself with different eyes
As you steal my soul from me – empty and alone

Alarms will ring for eternity
The waves will break every chain on me

And God knows I’m not dying but I bleed now
And God knows it’s the only way to heal now
With all the blood I lost with you
It drowns the love I thought I knew

Ohhh, ohh oh [x6]

And God knows I’m not dying but I bleed now
And God knows it’s the only way to heal now
With all the blood I lost with you
It drowns the love I thought I knew

And God knows I’m not dying but I bleed now
And God knows it’s the only way to heal now
With all the blood I lost with you
It drowns the love I thought I knew

*air out*

This is music for people who feel pain. People who love pain. People who need it to move on. I am those people. Sorry for the analysis.

7 comentarii la „Ellie Goulding – My Blood

    • „Lights” is just ok. Not great, not bad. I really love „Anything Could Happen” (the live version at Ellen) and „My Blood” is the song I’ve been listening to all day long. Must be that emo side in me, waking up again… 🙂

  1. The emo side? I was listening to crap like Armor for Sleep and Hawthorn Heights (3rd wave emo punk) in my 9th grade. The emo current was far from being present in Romania at that time :))

    • I would never say about music I like or liked that is „crap”.
      We all have a emo side, a punk side, a hip hop side, who cares? If that’s what makes you happy, go on. I like being depressed, it kinda makes me smile and feel better after 30 minutes. I think it’s ok. 🙂

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