Review (and disappointment): 2CELLOS & Naya Rivera – Supermassive Black Hole

I am late to the party, yet again, but I can’t help it! Life gets into the way everyday, so… Some news just arrive a lil’ bit late.

First of all, I love 2CELLOS. Who does not know what 2CELLOS are, please check their Youtube channel for further information on the matter.

Next, I love Naya Rivera. If you don’t know who this lovely lady is, then maybe you’re not a Glee fan (like yours truly), so I’d go ahead and suggest one of her songs in the TV show. Mostly covers of Miss Tina Turner, Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse. Regardless, she’s kept in the background, used when the producers want to teach us about mean & vile things to say, or about LGBT, or when they want an awesome number on the TV show, spiced up with some Latina sexyness.

I also love Muse. Ever since I was a little girl, Muse was among my favorites, and that didn’t change a bit through out the years.

I also love „Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse. It’s one of their songs that always had a place in my playlists, and rare were the moments when I used the power of skipping songs when the song came up.

So I thought „hmm, „Supermassive Black Hole” covered by 2CELLOS and Naya, this MUST be awesome!”

Except it wasn’t. The video looks kitsch-ey, Naya Rivera looks like a trashy Catwoman, even though her level of hotness is usually over 9000. 2CELLOS blend ok in the futuristic background, I don’t get what’s with the 3D chess game, but ok…

The song is the worst part of this combo. I haven’t heard a song so bad by 2CELLOS (not counting the weird collaboration between them and RHCP). Naya’s vocal abilities aren’t used full power. We’re given some weird auto-tune or whatever that is, in a lame atempt to copy whatever Matt Belamy managed to make out of „Supermassive Black Hole” something incredibly awesome.

7 comentarii la „Review (and disappointment): 2CELLOS & Naya Rivera – Supermassive Black Hole

    • Nu stiu ce sa zic, am ratat startul cu Apocalyptica, dat fiind ca-i consideram prea trendinezi (multi prieteni de-ai mei ii ascultau si pe mine nu m-au impresionat, mai ales ca multa lume se dadea in vant dupa coverul ala dupa Metallica and I was never a fan).
      2Cellos mi-au placut din prima si imi place „soft”-itudinea lor muzicala. E muzica buna de orice. 🙂
      PS: Naya Rivera e uber-hot si are voce buna. 🙂

  1. Pingback: Review: 2CELLOS - On The Road - Breathe Me InBreathe Me In

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