
don’t forget to be a bitch,
don’t forget to scratch the itch,
above everything you do,
don’t forget to have a clue.
don’t forget how to behave,
don’t forget to curl and shave
words and wisdom to forget,
have you learnt your nothing yet?
don’t forget to do it all,
while you do nothing at all.
be a mother, be a saint,
let your cries to slowly faint
while you suck them dicks and balls,
men are just a bunch of know-it-alls!
but you’re stupid, don’t forget,
look at all the darkness that has crept
past by you while you were sleeping,
all your life you will be weeping.
silly girl, by now you know
you’re ok if you’re a hoe.
you know nothing, like jon snow,
you are worth a frozen toe.

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