Stiri din muzica

I talk to ghosts. Doar pentru ca lanseaza un nou album pe 27 februarie (like, who cares?), s-a gandit ca putina publicitate nu strica. Mai bine zicea ca a facut sex cu Michael sau Elvis, era mai „senzational!”. Citez din spusele marelui artist: I chased one across the room once. And when we were making ‘Bat Out Of Hell’ I saw a blonde girl in a white dress. I went downstairs and told the guys, ‘There’s a groupie up on the balcony,’ and they go, ‘How would she get up there?’ Everybody went up and no one was there.

A naked Playboy shoot is on my bucket list. Cine? Sinead O’Connor! Pur si simplu, speachless. Because The singer has just released a new album, ‘How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?’, and will embark on an UK tour in March., that’s why. In caz ca nu mai stiti cum arata Sinead, here’s a pic. Click at your own risk.

Paris Hilton still thinks she can sing.

Cineva crede ca inca mai are dreptul sa judece industria muzicala. Boo-hoo, the big bad wolf!

At least, something is still right in this world. No jerks allowed at the Oscars!

Also, this. Snow Patrol (si Kasabian, but meh…) – headlineri la T in the Park. Una din formatiile mele preferate, headliner la unul din festivalurile pe care imi doresc sa le vad de vreo 10 ani.

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