Mergem si la Basement Jaxx?

N-o sa inteleg niciodata de ce lumea considera ca apartin genului numit „house”. In fine, nu le am cu etichetarile si cu impartirile pe categorii, dar Basement Jaxx este una dintre cele mai tari formatii pe care le ascultam si cand eram mai pitica si mai fraiera. Adica acum vreo 7-8 ani. Deci, mergem? 🙂

Tell me tell me is life just a playground
Think you’re the real deal honey
and someone’ll always look after you

but wake up baby
you’re so totally deluded
you’ll end up old and lonely
if you don’t get a bullet in your head

good luck good luck
good luck in your new bed
enjoy your nightmares honey
when you’re resting your head
you sold me sold me
sold me down the river now
hope you’re feeling happy now
now you’ll always have a sneer in your smile

but wake up baby
you’re so totally deluded
you’ll end up old and lonely
if you don’t get a bullet in your head

good luck good luck
good luck in your new bed
enjoy your nightmares honey
when you’re resting your head

good luck good luck
good luck in your new bed
enjoy your nightmares honey
when you’re resting your head

And I’m glad so glad that I’m done with you
No more crying crying leaving me so black and blue
You backed me up against the wall but I stand tall
Don’t give a damn no more

Oh baby bye bye
No more lies
No more lies
Without you

Good good luck
In your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares when your resting your head
Good good luck
In your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares

good luck good luck
good luck in your new bed
enjoy your nightmares honey
when you’re resting your head

good luck good luck
good luck in your new bed
enjoy your nightmares honey
when you’re resting your head

Good good luck
In your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares when your resting your head
Good good luck
In your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares

2 comentarii la „Mergem si la Basement Jaxx?

  1. Chiar…asta e house-ul care imi placea si mie la un moment dat. Numai ca in ultimul timp s-a schimbat enorm de mult. Au disparut complet influentele soul, jazz si R&B si a ramas o chestie care e doar muzica electronica si atat. Pe vremea noastra era mult mai melodioasa. Si mai dansabila.

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