Review: Poets of the Fall – Jealous Gods

Oh, man! You know how much I love Poets of the Fall and their beautiful, awesome music! Their sixth album, titled Jealous Gods, is one of their best efforts so far, so excuse me for delaying this for so long! I was busy playing it on repeat.

Daze is their first song on the tracklist, and also the first single, and it has been quite the while since I found a lead single this good. Daze is filled with determination, it has rhythm, lyrics, spunk, sincerity, love, and fire, and it’s the perfect choice as a lead single. I just love the chorus – so gentle and sensible, so very opposed to the masculinity of the rest of the song. (9/10)

Jealous Gods is one of their best songs ever. OK, so it’s a ballad, but it’s a beautiful ballad, simple and honest, and it gives me chills each and every time I hear it. Marko, you beautiful animal, what are you doing?! Marko’s voice is the best safety blanket there is, how can I not love it? It has incredibile depths, stories to tell and kisses to share, and it mixes perfectly with the music and the lyrics. (10/10)

Rumors is somewhat of a filler, not really remarkable, to tell you the truth, but the song shows promise in the beginning, and fades away into boring oblivion after a minute or so. The start is a bit energetic, but the chorus is mostly trite and easily forgettable. I guess the instrumental for this one could have been a better fit? (7/10)

Brighter Than the Sun is exactly the opposite of Rumors. The start is a bit boring, and the rest of the song is quite engaging, thanks to pseudo-rapping from Marko. Oh well, it’s not that great, but the verse with „love never goes out of season” and the drums make it bearable. (7/10)

Love Will Come to You gave me the impression that it was written by someone that’s still in high school, so cheerful and simple and honest, and – OK, the song is not that special or complex, but it’s a nice song, very dancey, very lovey-dovey, the lyrics work perfectly through the melody and Marko’s voice is, as usual, sweet and sour at the same time. What’s not to like?! (8/10)

Rogue, because my Poets like to experiment. And when they do it, they do it very, very well. This piece is instrumental, and wonderful. Take it from a person that doesn’t really like instrumental stuff. The guitar is strong with this one, and I can only imagine me, on a motorcycle, going on a highway… This is Rogue for me. (8/10)

Rebirth HAS to be the best song off the album. It just has to be. I love absolutely everything about this song, starting with the beautiful guitar, going through the lyrics, listening to Marko – the whole song is just beautiful poetry, filled with fear, love and hope. The only other song from the Poets that I like this much is All the Way/4U – although I like that one more. However, Rebirth is a great song, for the romantics, and the hopeful ones, and the ones who still love love. (12/10)

Hounds to Hamartia is yet another great experiment, very well done and beautifully crafted through the obsessive use of guitars and metaphors. Rhythm, lyrics, creativity – this song has them all. (9/10)

Clear Blue Sky is just a typical optimist song, but nothing out of the ordinary. I do not skip it however, because it’s quite entertaining, with the fast paced rhythm and the drums and the guitars. (8/10)

Choice Millionaire, OMG! This has got to be one of their best songs ever! It has electronica accents, the lyrics are extremely witty and not only witty, and the chorus uses Markus full power, in the best way possible. His voice goes from deep to high, from serious to playful, all in just 30 seconds of beautiful music. Do not skip this one, if you want to see a different side of the Poets! (9/10)

Nothing Stays the Same somehow reminds me of the gothic bands from up North, with its guitars, and Marko’s voice so deep, and the very, ultra serious lyrics. The song is beautifully crafted, even though I cannot possibly take it seriously! It’s a good piece, nonetheless, so excuse my assholeness! (8/10)

Enjoy the album, I know I did.

Now, I can only hope that they’ll come back… Or that I’ll be able to see them live somewhere in Europe.

New / Old Obsession… Poets of the Fall

Poets of the Fall couldn’t have picked a better name. I was in awe, yet again, listening to their wonderful songs and music – „Given and Denied” on my way home and „Cradled in Love” when I returned to Bucharest.

This band never fails to amaze me, never fails to deliver pure feelings and emotions, through their music and especially with the help their beautifully written lyrics.


I wish I could bold all of their lyrics, but that would be tiring for the naked eye.

I will list the lyrics I love the most this time of the year, as found on their official website, and I will try to contain myself when underlining the most wonderful parts, lyrically and musically wise. Enjoy!

Ps: I really love going back home, where people are nice and helpful.

Poets of the Fall – Given and Denied

Which way to the fountain of my youth I wonder
Which way to the years I’ve let go by
Let a thirsty man drink in its memories while the water still flows sweet and crystal clear
For yesteryear

Oh to see the sun’s eclipse
on the horizon like ships
sailing way away from here
Oh just one more time my dear
Before I’ll go hear me out
Cos of this there ain’t no doubt
When it’s time for curtain call
Just before the shadows…

Fall like a leaf in the wind on the ocean
Of blue like your eyes in the twilight theater
With symphonies playing in the world without sound
We’re given and denied

Give me back my innocence cos I wish to dream again
Like I never outgrew my old playground
Where the sun sets slowly with a golden crown and the leaves sing lullabies ‘round vacant swings
Give me those wings

Let me fly once again
Like I did way back when
I would gamble and win
To lift me high above the din
Of the future we see
Does it hold something for me
I’m weightless again
Just before the shadows…

Fall like a leaf in the wind…

Before I’ll go hear me out
Cos of this there ain’t no doubt
When it’s time for curtain call
Just before the shadows…

Fall like a leaf in the wind…

Poets of the Fall – Cradled in Love

You had the blue note sapphire eyes, to back up all those gazes
To pierce my guard and to take my soul off to faraway places
Told me I’ll never be alone, cos you’re right there

We took a gamble with this love, like sailing to the storm
With the waves rushing over to take us, we were battling against the tide
You were my beacon of salvation, I was your starlight

So don’t cry for your love, cry tears of joy
Cos you’re alive cradled in love
Don’t cry for your love, cry tears of joy
Cos you’re alive cradled in love

I kept the love you gave me alive, and now I carry it with me
I know it’s just a tear drop from mother earth, but in it I can hear a dolphin sing
Telling me I’ll never be alone, I know you’re right there

So with the fire still burning bright, I wanna gaze into your light
If I could see my fortune there, you know how flames can hypnotize
Do I even dare to speak out your name for fear it sounds like, like a lover

So don’t cry for your love, cry tears of joy
Cos you’re alive cradled in love
Don’t cry for your love, cry tears of joy
Cos you’re alive

Cradled in love

PPS: I still haven’t seen the video for „Cradled in Love”. I am an awful fan, I know, but the music is too beautiful, I think I am kinda afraid of seing the video and it ruining the song for me.

And yes, I know that people are getting tired of my obsession regading the Poets, or maybe Angels and Airwaves, or even Glee, for God’s sake, but that’s just me. Obsessed until the end and beyond!

Pic here.


Muzica e pentru orice. Asa cum in filme avem soundtrack-ul care mentine echilibrul psihologic al personajelor, asa trebuie tratata muzica si in viata reala.

De multe ori aud fraza „I can relate to that!”, auzind o piesa. Uneori sunt eu persoana care o gandeste.

Am muzica pentru plans. Muzica pentru ras. Muzica de dormit. Porn music. Sexy music (which is different). Angry music. Drive-insanely-fast music. Sports music. Muzica de stat. Muzica de facut treaba. Muzica de linger.

Cineva mi-a zis o data ca toata viata mea e un soundtrack. Si da, este. Si am nevoie de sunetele astea, si am nevoie de cuvintele de pe ele, si am nevoie de toata galagia lor, ca s-o acopar pe cea din mine, si pe cea de-afara, si pe cea din lume…

Muzica nu e galagie. E sentiment. Si imi place cand mi se zbarleste pielea. Imi place cand simt ca inima imi bate mai repede si respiratia mi se intretaie, ca dupa o fuga lunga. Iar uneori ma intreb daca fug de mine, atunci cand fug in muzica…

Muzica nu e galagie. Deschide ochi si deschide inimi si, in timp ce ma inchid in mine mai adanc, simt cum ma deschid, mai pura si mai fara pata.

Muzica nu e galagie. E suflet si e putere si, daca nu e putere, ti-o da, ti-o arunca cu totul si te loveste cu ea, fara mila si fara tagada.

Cum as putea sa ignor strigatele din muzica, tacerile lungi si suferintele aprinse? Ma simt atat de atinsa de tot ce e nota, tot ce e cuvant, si-mi place s-o absorb in mine secunda cu secunda, pana ce toata fiinta mea devine sunet. Si stiu ca, orice s-ar intampla, muzica e acolo, perete intre mine si lume, caci lumea mea e departe si lumea mea e sfanta si lumea mea-i curata. Aici nimic nu e negru, e liniste si pace si sunt acasa.

Lady Gaga: Review-ul unui concert la care n-am fost, desi as fi vrut…

Tocmai s-a terminat ceea ce a fost concertul anului. N-am zis-o eu, au zis-o unii care au fost acolo.
Daca saptamana trecuta as fi zis ca highlight-ul anului in materie de muzica e concertul Poets of the Fall de la ARTmania (carora le multumesc pentru ca m-au contactat si mi-au oferit invitatiile castigate la Zelist… Oh wait! nu m-au contactat si nu mi-au oferit nimic), astazi incep sa regret ca nu am vazut-o pe Gaga pe viu, sa o vad cum tremura alaturi de fanii ei in timp ce le canta „Hair” sau „Speechless” sau „Bad Romance”, sau orice are vreun hint de hit.

De Poets of the Fall m-am lamurit. Ii voi vana prin Europa, pentru ca oricum muzica lor e facuta sa fie savurata la foc incet, intr-un pub nu foarte aglomerat, unde toata lumea e fan si stie versurile si-l poate acoperi cu spor pe Marko.

De Lady Gaga nu stiu ce sa spun. OK, pentru unii e Satana personificata, Anticristul venit pe pamant, Lucifer coborat din ceruri. E plina de simboluri si de tupeu si de ostentatie vizavi de tot ce e sfant, normal si drept. Si de aia ne place. Ea e artista care nu vrea sa comenteze daca se imbraca sau nu in blanuri artificiale, pe motiv ca ar fi ipocrita sa sustina ca respecta animalele, cand s-a imbracat in hidoasa ei rochie de carne acum 2 ani.

Lady Gaga e artista care te invita sa fii openly gay, chiar daca nu esti, doar ca sa-ti arati sustinerea fata de „free love”. E noua Madonna, noul Alice Cooper, noua Grace Jones si noul rebel al muzicii, copilul urat al Americii, care si-a depasit cu mult dorinta initiala de a scrie cantece bune.

E un artist vulnerabil si asta o vezi doar cand e pe scena. E artistul care comunica foarte mult cu publicul si stie cum sa-si tina fanii aproape. Stie sa-i faca sa se simta speciali. Stie sa-i aduca langa ea si apoi sa le dea aripi. Plange si sufera alaturi de ei si se bucura de sustinerea lor totala. E artista care doboara recorduri dupa recorduri si careia nimeni nu-i vede ochii obositi si tristetea si voma de dupa scena.

La finalul zilei, dupa ce Gaga delivered, Stefani Germanotta se intoarce cu spatele la public si, cred eu, ramane singura, se sting luminile si curg lacrimile.

Regret ca n-am fost la Gaga, dar stiu ca publicul a intampinat-o atat de frumos, incat sunt sigura ca va mai veni la noi, si-atunci n-o sa o ratez pe Mother Monster. O sa vin sa-i vad palariile si rochiile din par si carne si globurile in care se inveleste. O sa vin sa o aud cum impartaseste cate putin din gandurile ei cu noi. O sa vin sa o vad dansand, ca o nebuna, owning the stage from left to right and up and down. O sa vin sa o vad, sa-mi smulga o lacrima si-un zambet si o sa dansez, sperand ca o sa cante „Boys Boys Boys”.

Alte pareri: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Las aici primul concert cu Lady Gaga pe care l-am vazut eu. This is when I fell in love with her.

This mini heart attack

What the hell? Cand ziceam ca anul asta o sa fie tare in materie de concerte, lumea radea de mine. Pe Poets of the Fall ii simteam de mult, ii asteptam. Pe The Darkness la fel. Pe Gaga. Pe RHCP ii consideram deja aici. Multa lume buna, multe nume mari. Placebo = again, but yeah! Pulp = copilarie. Moonspeel = adolescenta. Lake of Tears = always. Guns = mereu. Godsmak = 15 ani. Soulfly = yeah, baby! Tot DBE4 = awesome! Hurts = love. Mergem, da’ la care mergem?

Albumul lunii martie: Poets of the Fall – Temple of Thought

De Poets of the Fall m-am îndrăgostit acum mulți ani, încântată de supărarea lor din „Lift”, dar pe măsură ce-i descopeream, îmi dădeam seama că de fapt, supărarea și agresivitatea nu le e prietenă bună… Poate că e muzică de fete, dacă ai răbdare să le asculți versurile. Poate e prea lentă, pentru a putea să le placă bărbaților…
Și totuși, au devenit celebri datorită unei piese dintr-un joc (Late Goodbye în Max Payne 2). Temple of Thought e al cincilea album de studio (fără să iau în calcul Alchemy Vol. 1 – best of album), lansat pe 21 martie 2012. În prima jumătate a lunii, am ascultat mult Blink-182, dar după lansarea noului album POTF, am rămas să ascult aproape numai Temple of Thought pe repeat.
Albumul începe cu „Running Out of Time”, o piesă care-mi amintește de „Lift”, deși n-are sălbăticia acelei piese și nici pasiunea ei. Pasiunea o regăsesc în „Temple of Thought”, care e o baladă intensă și specială, o declarație de care avem nevoie cu toții uneori… Împreună cu „Cradled in Love”, parcă ar fi fețe diferite ale aceleiași povești.
Pentru că trebuie să ne trezim, pentru că toți avem iubiri care nu ne fac bine, pentru că toți avem o parte sălbatică în noi, „Kamikaze Love”. Iar pentru că nu totul este alb și pur, „The Lie Eternal”. Dar pentru că uneori, doar de iubire ai nevoie și e suficient să cunoști pe cineva pentru asta, „Skin”. Indiferent de „The Distance”, e cineva acolo căruia poți să-i spui „Show Me This Life”.
Pentru că zâmbetul de dimineață e superb pe chipul oricui, „Morning Tide”, și pentru că toți avem nevoie de pace, „The Ballad of Jeremiah Peacekeeper”.
Iar pentru final, chiar mi-aș fi dorit un cântec vesel. Am primit doar „The Happy Song”.


Running Out of Time – 8.5
Why’s it feel, like it kills when you’re leaving me?
Am I still hanging on to the ends of yesterday in me
When I was crying for my fears, bitter tears
But you made me see we’re crazy running
Crazy running out of time

Temple of Thought – 8.5
So when you’re restless,
I will calm the ocean for you
In your sorrow, I will dry your tears
When you need me, I will be the love beside you
I’ll take away all of your fears,
I’ll take away all of your fears
So you can let go all your fears

And you stay
Stay with me when I break down
Like a dream saving
And if words should fail here
I’ll just read the way you sound
Till I know the meaning of love
And life
And it could be I’m understating
What it means
That you’re standing behind every word you say
To make my day slowly dawning
I want you to know you’re the heart of my Temple of Thought

Cradled in Love – 9.5
We took a gamble with this love,
like sailing to the storm
With the waves rushing over to take us,
we were battling against the tide
You were my beacon of salvation,
I was your starlight

Kamikaze Love – 10
Take me where the angles fall
You take it all
You give no quarter for my love
You raise me up to tear me down
Leaves you reeling,
Feels like stealing,
Frantic moments of Kamikaze Love.

The Lie Eternal – 10
You my sweet trial
All my vestiges of hope pin wishes upon this,
To prove I can be right for you and me
This whole damn controversy will shift its course
For better or for worse
In your embrace,
All illusions broken in your embrace.

Skin – 10
And for all this pantomime
You should see the state I’m in
I couldn’t heal myself with time alone
I have you tattooed on my skin

The Distance – 10 (pot să-i dau 11?!)
Still love how you say my name
I still taste your kiss and my pain away
Still see your tears through the rain
This burning sensation sustains
Feel the distance, bring us closer
Won’t anyone come and soothe my pain
We can touch now
Just hold on now
We just will never burn again

Show Me This Life – 8
If I can’t decide to offer my choice
Does it mean I’m replacing the raise in your beautiful voice?
So every time you would tell me a lie, I could happily take it
Before our relations would endly flow by, I wouldn’t even fake it
I though I’d see ‘er for myself
But this life ain’t, it ain’t for me alone
You would’ve thought I would keep it for myself
But you can slice that eye line off my song
Your razor blade caress of love

Morning Tide – 9
I’m the morning tide
We’ll hoist the sails to break the crushing waves
Won’t you come with me and hear the ocean side?
And if to its depths it called us by our names
Won’t you sail to the shore with me?

The Ballad of Jeremiah Peacekeeper – 8.5
He takes on the world all in a stride
And your wounds will be scars
So won’t you remember when the night comes
He will need your open arms
For to be invincible he needs your love
For to be invincible he needs your love

The Happy Song – 5.

Ultimele albume (de fapt, ce era în viața mea) m-au îndepărtat de Poets of the Fall. Probabil nu se mai potriveau cu sufletul meu, nu știu exact.
Mă bucur să îi regăsesc acolo unde i-am lăsat, lângă visele care mă fac să dorm frumos, lângă locul sfânt din inima mea, lângă ora de noapte care mă ajută să mă văd…

Știri pe scurt

Album nou Poets of the Fall (oare vin și la noi vreodată?) – Temple of Thought. Tracklist:
Running Out of Time
Temple of Thought
Cradled in Love
Kamikaze Love
The Lie Eternal
The Distance
Show Me This Life
Morning Tide
The Ballad of Jeremiah Peacekeeper
The Happy Song.

Disponibil pe pagina oficială și pe iTunes.

Videoclip nou Lana Del Rey – Blue Jeans.

La mulți ani, Angelo Badalamenti (1937). Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Mullholland Drive – a time when David Lynch was awesome.